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Linmeyer Road closure 

Road Closure History

The process of  the road closure application began in 2014 when the LAG team undertook the mission of meeting all the pre-requisites of the Johannesburg Roads Agency in order to qualify for a permit to close off the suburb.

LAG undertook the decision to attain a road closure because of the severe threats the surrounding areas posed to the security of Linmeyer.

In November 2021, the application was approved.

The road closure has led to a significant decrease in crime, vehicle traffic and other crime related incidents.

LAG relies on the ongoing funding of residents and assistance of our incumbent security provider Fidelity ADT to ensure that the closure runs successfully.

Every resident who enjoys the security of the road closure, in fact the entire LAG infrastructure, is obligated to contribute towards LAG.


Frequently asked questions

Is the closure legal?

Yes it is. It has been approved by the relevant municipal departments, including the JRA, and is fully compliant with municipal by laws

How does it work?

Access to the suburb is limited by permanently and semi-permanently closing access roads into Linmeyer and Oakdene.
Boomed entrances at Victoria and Johan Meyer streets are manned by Security Officers 24/7
We have installed cameras which are placed at strategic points which help us track suspicious vehicles and pedestrians when they enter the suburb, ensuring that they leave the suburb without planning or committing a crime. Using technology we are able to then direct National to areas within in the suburb which are of concern and in this way avoid a crime being committed.


Which roads are permanently closed?

Gretel between at Luise and Toby Lane
Risi between Leeu and Luise

Michael at South Rand Road

Risi at South Rand Road
South Road (pedestrian thoroughfare)
Martha at South Rand Road


All these have pedestrian access between 06:00 and 19:00. Between 19:00 and 06:00 all pedestrian gates are locked.

Which roads are partially closed?

Johan Meyer at Oak street – Open from 06:00 to 08:30 and 15:30 to 18:00 (Weekdays)

Aida at South Rand Road – Open from 06:00 to 08:30 and 15:30 to 18:00 (Weekdays)
Hoek at South Rand Road - Open from 06:00 to 08:30 and 15:30 to 18:00 (Weekdays)

Will the booms at Victoria and Johan Meyer street cause traffic congestion?

The booms will remain open during peak hours –  Open from 06:00 to 08:30 and 15:30 to 18:00
Each boom will be manned by a Security Officer 24/7/365 so the booms can be opened if there is extreme congestion.

Regardless of the time, the booms will close when there is no traffic.

Between 18:00 and 06:00 the suburb is in Lockdown and access is only via the boom gates in Victoria and Johan Meyer.

Will family and friends have to sign in at the booms when visiting?

No, and at this stage residents will not need special stickers. This is planned for the future.

How do I benefit from the road closure?

The suburb is essentially locked during the night keeping criminal elements out. During the day the routes through the suburb are limited to Johan Meyer and Victoria street, this in turn limits the escape routes for criminals making Linmeyer and Oakdene undesirable as a target. The road closure adds another security layer for residents.

Research shows that the value of homes increases after the installation and operation of a successful road closure. Insurance premiums should decrease.

You and your loved ones can sleep easier at night.

How is the road closure financed?

The road closure forms part of an overall suburb security infrastructure. Every time we ask LAG to report the an outage of a service, to escalate a report, to assist with a crime, or prevent a crime, to provide trauma support, to help with noise complaint it uses the Linmeyer Awareness Group Security infrastructure. Until now this has all been financed by means of contributions, LAG sales etc.

The closure however is a big monthly expense, and it is incumbent on EACH household (INCLUDING TOWN HOUSE COMPLEXES AND FLATS) to contribute to the operation of the closure. Without these monthly payments the closure will fail and then each home is at a higher risk of being the target of criminal attack. You owe it to you and your family to make that payment each month. So sign a debit order OR a commitment and be a part of the community solution to crime in our suburb.


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