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Contribute to LAG

All residents are expected to contribute to the infrastructure that LAG has put in place and operates on a monthly basis. Please contact the below emails for the relevant bank details and debit order forms.

(M) +27 81489 7359

What are the funds used for?

All funds received by LAG go towards running the road closure and maintaining the road closure infrastructure as well as running the LAG control room, camera systems and communication platforms.



LAG Commercial Partners

LAG is very fortunate to partner with multiple businesses within the business community of Linmeyer and surrounds. LAG in turn offers preferential promotion within the Linmeyer and surrounds area. Please reach out to the control room on the below details to become a partner and work with us to develop a bespoke commercial opportunity to work towards enriching your business, and securing our suburb.

(M) +27 81489 7359

LAG is partnered with two preferred real estate agencies who have committed to assist LAG financially and logistically, through generous referral based commissions and engagement with new Linmeyer residents. Our partners contribute a percentage of all earnings within Linmeyer to LAG. Our partners are upstanding Linmeyer residents, with a track record of contributing to LAG. Our partners aid LAG by ensuring that all new residents integrate into and contribute towards the LAG security infrastructure.


LAG Real Estate Agents

Priscilla Adriao

Dayne Smith

Priscilla is a Linmeyer resident who practices with Angela Howson Property specialists. 

Tel: +27 11 622 7402

Cell:+27 82 707 7354



Dayne is a Linmeyer resident who practices with THE AGENCY and Associates.

Tel: +27 11 867 7785

Cell:+27 74 787 7113



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