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Green Belt warning

by L. Roux 


Moffat Park Objection letter

by Various






Emergency Groups

Services Groups

Social and Selling Groups

The members of the emergency groups in the suburb are residents, Community Policing Forum members, Fidelity ADT response officers, LAG members, and are manned 24/7 by LAG control room and National control room.

These groups are only to be used in case of potentially fatal emergencies such as crime occurrences or health emergencies.

The members of the services groups are residents and is manned by the LAG control room during business hours.

Please use this group to report issues with your electricity or water
supply as well as to report issues
with municipal infrastructure such as
water meters, electricity cables or electricity meters.

This group is only to be used for the above mentioned services needs and any other non-service related comments or queries should be directed to the applicable group.


The social and selling groups in the suburb are made up of residents and is manned by the LAG control room during business hours.

Please use these groups to discuss anything related to the suburb as well as buy, sell or donate goods within the suburb.

LAG items are items being sold by LAG representatives and all proceed will go towards LAG and our ventures.

LCARA items sold on the groups will go towards the Linmeyer community animal rescue association.


To be added to any of the above groups, please contact the LAG control room.

Subject to standard LAG vetting policy.



The purpose of The Linmeyer Emergency Groups (identified by the luminous green background) is
to assist residents with incidents of crime and immediate threats to life and property. Members may
only post messages regarding security issues, threats to lives or property in LINMEYER and
OAKDENE. This includes fire and medical emergencies.

Posts containing the following may NOT be posted on the Emergency groups:

  • Racism

  • Politics

  • Advertising

  • Pictures, videos, Inspirational posts, or any non-security post.


Please follow these guidelines:

Reporting a Crime - if the crime is in progress, you may report it on the group giving as much
information as possible including the address. If you have a radio, also call it in on the radio.

Medical Assistance – Post the address and exactly what assistance is needed. ( post address and
what medical situation it is if possible).

Reporting a Fire or Fire hazard - post the exact address and the nature of the hazard.

Reporting Suspicious Activity– You must have a VALID REASON why the person is suspicious. This has been expressed in a serious manner to Patrollers by SAPS. Please have a valid reason so a patroller may respond and deal with it.

Reporting an accident IN THE SUBURB – post the exact address / nearest intersection and what
assistance is needed. Please do not post minor incidents.

If a crime is committed in another neighborhood and you read about it somewhere, please do not
post on the Linmeyer Emergency groups. It is not an emergency in our area and has already
occurred. Should the community know about a crime in a nearby neighborhood LAG will validate
the report first and may post it if it is relevant to Linmeyer and Oakdene.

Should you receive a BOLO (Be On the Lookout Out) from another group, inform LAG control room in
a private message. They will be able to confirm it, and should it be valid and a legitimate risk,
distribute it. This is done for residents own protection. We don’t want someone being a cowboy and
getting injured because of the information.

Please keep all chat about pet problems on the social or pet groups. If you are not on the pet groups
then request the LAG Control Room to assist you. Water, Electricity, potholes, streetlights, and other Municipal Service issues must be reported on the Linmeyer Services Group and not on the Emergency Group.

Should you wish to have someone added to the groups in future you will need to PRIVATE message
the LAG Control Room with the following details:

  • Name & Surname

  • Full street address

  • ERF Number (house stand Number)

  • Contact Number

  • Email Address

If it is not private messages, it will be ignored. Private message allows us to forward the message to
the database controllers so they can update it for your safety and benefit.
If you have posted a message to the group in error, then please delete it immediate using the
“Remove for All” option
LAG reserves the right to remove habitual offenders from any emergency group


The purpose of The Linmeyer Services Groups (identified by a white background) is to assist residents with Municipal Service Issues such as electricity faults and outages, water outages, burst pipes, potholes, streetlights not working etc. within Linmeyer and Oakdene.

Posts containing the following may NOT be posted on the Services groups.

  • Racism

  • Politics

  • Advertising

  • Pictures, videos, Inspirational posts, or any non-security post.


Please follow these guidelines:

City power issues - report to City Power using one of their channels. Once you have a reference number post the address and reference number on the group and LAG Control Room and the
counsellor will escalate.

Joburg water issues - report to Joburg Water using one of their channels. Once you have a reference number post the address and reference number on the group and LAG Control Room and the
counsellor will escalate.

To have someone added to the Services Group then in a Private Message request the LAG Control to
add them. If you are unbale to report any Municipal issues then contact the LAG Control Room and they will
assist you.
If you have posted a message to the group in error then please delete it immediately using the “Remove for All” option

LAG reserves the right to remove habitual offenders from any services group



The residents of Linmeyer and Oakdene have a community radio system that is used in times of need. Roll call is done every day from around 7 until 8. The roll call is done to make sure we stay in communication with as many residents as possible, as well as to ensure that the radios stay in use and are operational and that residents know how to use them. Residents can obtain the pricing of a radio and order a radio from the LAG Control room, the pricing of the radios vary and are dependent on the rand/dollar exchange rate.



The Linmeyer Awareness Groups Facebook page is used as a communication platform by LAG to communicate on relevant issues and events within the suburb.
It is manned during business hours by the control room.


Contact list 

LAG contacts

Control room
Mobile - 081 489 7359
Email -

Leon Roux - LAG chairman
Mobile - 082 469 4121
Email -

LAG Accounts
Mobile -081 489 7359

LAG Communication
Mobile - 084 911 8748
Email -


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